Sunday, August 23, 2015

Corn Potage Chips

Corn Potage Chips
(Japan Crate: July 2015)

Melissa Says:

I'm actually still eating these as I write this review. :)

They taste like a puffy, air-filled creamed corn. Really a good taste sensation, and kinda fun to eat. Not only that, but the package had a picture of a happy pot on it!

Reminds me a bit of funky chip flavors, like ketchup or something. 

Would eat again, but not go out of my way to get more. (But hey, if we happened to find them again......)

Kimberly Says:

The package is super cute. I don't know, I just like when things are smiling at me. xD

When you open the bag, you get a puff of CORN smell. There is NO doubt that this is very, very CORN.

The puffs are a cute shape. I actually like it better than normal cheese puff shapes - only one bite to eat these, but without being too small like cheese balls.

It's about normal for a puffed snack texture - maybe a little 'softer' than some, which I like.

As for taste? Well, it is DEFINITELY like a can of creamed corn hid in a cheese puff in order to punch me in the taste buds. xD

Supposedly it's some kind of corn soup flavor, but it just tastes EXACTLY like creamed corn to me. Tasty!

I don't think I could eat a whole bag of these by myself (I type as I continue to munch slowly on them). However I would definitely eat these again, if I found them somewhere and they weren't too expensive.

The one downside I'm noticing is that the taste really sticks with you...and sticks with you...and sticks with you. xD

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Chocolate Banana Pocky

Chocolate Banana Pocky
(Japan Crate: June 2015)

Kimberly Says:

Unfortunately this JapanCrate sat out in our mailbox for a few hours during one of the hottest days that month, so we have a delightful...chunk...of pocky instead of individual sticks. Takes some of the fun out of eating it and makes it difficult to share with other people, pooh.

I love pocky, but banana flavoring is not my...favorite. It tastes weird to me and not like real bananas. And this is VERY intensely weird banana flavored.

However, it's not bad. It's not something I would seek out to eat, but I'm willing to finish the box. (I think perhaps if I could eat it as sticks and not as 'giant melted chunk', I'd like it a tiny bit more.)

I do really like the chocolate flavored stick, it makes for an interesting difference.

I would definitely eat it again, but only if someone gave it to me - I'm not going to look for it in the store to buy.

Melissa Says:
The banana and chocolate mix to become pretty tasty - certainly a different flavor than you imagine pocky.

Probably would've been easier to eat if it wasn't melted together, but ah, well, summer heat.

It leaves a pretty good aftertaste, and pocky is fun to eat. Would definitely eat again, if given the chance.

Red Potion / Black Potion Gum

Red Potion / Black Potion Gum
(Japan Crate: June 2015)

Melissa Says: 

When you start chewing, it's a pretty good shock of sour. But then it mellows out pretty quick. Not a bad taste after it loses some of the sour.

The color change was not as evident as it could have been, and it lost taste really fast.

The aftertaste is killer, too - not the best of tastes to stay in your mouth.

Definitely wouldn't go out of my way to get more.

Kimberly Says:

The first few bites are really dusty tasting. Only after chewing for a moment do you get hit with the flavor, which is mostly sour. I can't tell if it's supposed to be a specific flavor, I just taste...sour.

Not for long, though. After a relatively short time the sour shifts to some sort of fruitish flavor before fading away completely.
[Addendum: The flavor goes away, but MAN the aftertaste will stick with you for a long time. Almost half an hour since I got rid of the gum, and I can still 'taste' it on the back of my tongue.]

I do like the texture, though, once you're past the first 'dryness' of it. Soft and pliant. After you chew it for a while it turns sort of rubbery, but still in a soft way. I felt like my teeth bounced off of it.

And then, suddenly, after only a few minutes of chewing, I couldn't wait to get it out of my mouth - the flavor changed or the texture or something.

The first time I tried this, my tongue was faintly darker, but not black. And the second time, with a larger chunk of gum, I noticed no change at all. (My sister's tongue turned a darker red, so maybe the red worked better than the black?)

Don't want more, probably won't finish what we've got.

Maybe I can find someone else to try it and see if their tongue gets colored. *grins*