Friday, November 27, 2015

Kirby Blend-Blend Mix Gum

Kirby Blend-Blend Mix Gum
(Japan Crate: June 2015)

[Japan crate description: Create your own gum flavors using the five included base flavors. Watch out for grey! It's a prank color that blocks sweet flavors from your tongue.]

Melissa Says:

You can be creative with this gum! Apple, orange, ramune, and yogurt are your choices, and you can mix and match to your heart's content. I went for orange ramune (basically orange soda), and it was really tasty. Very flavorful, and very fun. It had a definite orange taste, but I'm not sure what the ramune tasted like. 

But all-in-all, very good. Definitely would eat more. 

The best part is the last kind, though - gray gum that blocks your sweet receptors. When eaten with the other gums, you could get a taste of the apple, or orange, or whatever, without tasting any of the sweet. An odd effect. 

Previously, though, I had a chocolate cookie after chewing the gum, and I could not taste the chocolate at all. It's pretty fun to play with.

Kimberly Says:

This is another one from the original box that we had tasted before, so tonight it was no surprise.

The fun thing with these small gumballs is mixing the flavors to create a custom flavor: Want to try orange flavored soda? Have a blue one and an orange one. Apple flavored yogurt? Pink and yellow is the way to go.

Want to not be able to taste anything sweet, so it leaves the flavors of the others feeling strange? Eat a purple one.

Cute, taste, and the flavor lasts a...decent amount of time, considering the small size of the gumball.

These are gonna replace the ramune gum I currently keep in my purse when I run out of those. :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Chameleon Candy

Chameleon Candy
(Japan Crate: July 2015)

[Japan crate description: Hard candies that change colors like a real chameleon. Choose a red one and the chameleon grants you good luck.]

Kimberly Says:

Well these look...rather like the Moose Poop they sell in Yellowstone.

However, they're not chocolate covered chewing candies, they're a hard candy that reveals a color once you suck off the (somewhat unappetizing) outer covering.

I believe the flavor might change depending on which color you get underneath - once I got into the yellow color under the blandly sweet brown covering, it started to taste rather lemony. (Or maybe that was just the remnants of the sour lemon gum we had earlier?)

It was...good. Not thrilling, but good.

I'm not a huge fan of hard candies personally, so I found it somewhat meh.

Melissa Says:

It looks like chocolate balls, except they feel hard and firm. The brown outer shell doesn't really taste of anything, but when you suck off the outside, the inside is one of three colors, and might be flavored: red, yellow, or green. The yellow seemed to taste like lemon, but after the lemon gum, I wasn't entirely sure. 

Apparently, the chameleon likes the red ones and will give you luck if you get them, but neither of us got a red one, so I guess we won't know right now. Pretty good after you got past the outside (not entirely sure if it was just sugar flavored or if I couldn't taste things from my sweet receptors thanks to the gray gum). Lasts a pretty long time, too. 

I'd probably have more, especially if the red one's not flavored cherry! The package was pretty cute, too.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Kajiri Chew

Kajiri Chew
(Japan Crate: July 2015)

[Japan crate description: A refreshing, chewy cola taffy filled with a layer of citrus soda flavored taffy.]

Melissa Says:

After the last two items, we were understandably cautious, but this was pretty good. It looks a bit like a Cow Tail, actually, with a light-brown outside and off-white inside. And eating it, it's like eating a few days old fondant or crème - soft, but with a bit of an outside shell that makes it more interesting. 

The flavors, though, combined to be pretty good. It was the fake cola taste, mixed with cherry-citrus background taste. 

I'm enjoying thinking about having some more. However, I'd probably go for a different flavor combination if I was going to eat it again.

Kimberly Says:

This one looks kind of like a vanilla flavored CowTail. It smells a lot like the ramune flavored gum we had a while back (and that I still keep in my purse for emergencies). Tastes a lot like it, too, actually, albeit with a sort of lemony sourness to it.

Or wait, maybe it's kind of like that gummy hand we had a while back, which was also cola flavored.

Texture wise it kind of reminds me of many of the gums we've been eating, except that it just...disappears after a while.

If it had a different flavor, though, I think it would be a lot better. The texture was startling at first, because it was a lot 'drier' than most taffy I've had, but the flavor was just kind of...meh.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sour Lemon Gum

Sour Lemon Gum
(Japan Crate: July 2015)

[Japan crate description: 10 pieces of super sour lemon gum that will leave you feeling like the lemon on the package.]

Kimberly Says:

You know how they say 'Don't judge a book by its cover'?


It's called 'Sour Lemon Gum', the package shows a lemon with sour faces, everything about it warns you of sourness...AND WITH REASON.

I mean, I like sour stuff. I eat it a lot. And my eyes were watering from the intensity of this sourness.

It was delicious, but I won't be eating any more, because it's just TOO intense.

Hey, unlike most of the gum so far, though, the flavor lasts quite a long time...or maybe it just FELT long. xD

Melissa Says:

You open the package, and bam. There it is: lemon. After you take the foil off the gum, it gets worse. Sniff the gum itself? Lemon, overpoweringly lemon. After you put it in your mouth, you get to die from sour lemon flavor. And not only is it lemon flavored, not only is it sour, it's the longest lasting gum we've had yet. It was a good 2-3 minutes of pure agony, trying to keep from choking and dying on laughter, spit, or tears. It was so overpoweringly lemon, I'm pretty sure some of my taste buds died while I was chewing. 

All in all, I'd likely not have more later. Not that it wasn't humorous, but that I rather like my taste buds intact! 

(It's great for a one-time experience, though. Only if you aren't totally against overpoweringly sour stuff, though.)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Wow, Such Banana?!

Wow, Such Banana?!
(Japan Crate: August 2015)

[Japan crate description: A chocolate cream filled marshmallow banana with a hilarious name.]

Kimberly Says:

Wow, it's...such banana. xD

It's very intensely banana tasting. Like...90 percent banana, 9 percent marshmallow, and 1 percent chocolate.

It's sort of like eating a banana flavored Moon Pie without the crunchy parts.

I"m not a huge banana fan, but if someone handed me one I'd probably eat it again, I guess.

Melissa Says:

We pulled it out of its package, and it's just a yellow lump. Then, we squished it, and it squished a bit.

A chocolate-banana coating, which was pretty fun to squish. After taking a bite, you get hit in the head with banana flavoring. (Not actually that bad, after the Tomyum food)

It was very reminiscent of a Moon Pie, except oval, lacking a crunchy layer, and tasting incredibly of banana. In fact, I couldn't taste any chocolate.

I was pretty impressed. Overall, though, I'd eat more of it.